Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Friendly Neighbour

"Oh Bobby, such a well behaved boy",
Fawns this neighbour, God knows why?
"Aunty", says Bobby, tongue in cheek,
"When you cant, why do you try?"

Aghast, at this chit of a kid,
Gathers the smile that'd quickly slid,
"So funny my boy, so funny there!"
The painted frown is aptly hid!

Hardened then, she then tries again,
"Mrs. Gupta's boy is such a pain",
"He's my best friend", our hero adds,
"So all your efforts are in vain".

Yet again, vanquished, she returns,
Another plan her mind then churns,
To get the love of this oversmart kid,
Who, after all, in millions earns.

A Journey by Train

I stagger in, in dear disarray,
Thankful for the end of the fray,
Count my pieces of luggage ten,
Huff, puff and settle down then

I Smile and plead for baggage space,
The Window seat, my favourite place!
I reflect upon a journey made,
As the train starts a chug-charade!

The breeze comes flowing gently in,
The mind racing beyond the din,
To trees and houses zipping past,
And memories start flying fast

I turn in then to glance around,
At little amusements to be found!
Chattels and children scattered about,
Some who whisper and many who shout!

Food and drink are a common sight,
Intros and an occasional fight!
I Look around or catch a nap,
An unread book nestled in my lap.

Pleased to meet a stranger kind,
Unexpected place for such a find,
We part with smiles and promises then,
But that's how a new journey began!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Ode to the passing year

Soft and muffled, the whispering voices,
A hurried pattering of the feet,
Some gay, some blue, in galant choices,
365 troops in the fleet!

Past the window I see them march,
Some wet, some dry, some freezing cold,
Some who will court me to the grave
And others whose stories will be told!

Some filled me with hope and with joy,
A few brought with them despair,
But each was unique in what he taught,
To smile, to live and to dare!

Each is a gift now, forever kept,
Of memories - in the vault of time,
Many bedecked with fond rememberances,
Sweetly forged, some bonds sublime!

The last one pauses and gently smiles,
Beckoning mysteries waiting in store,
Prodding me on to some promises new,
The new year softly knocks the door!