Saturday, November 19, 2005

A journey begun

I stagger in, in dear disarray,
Thankful for the end of the fray,
Count my pieces of luggage ten,
Huff, puff and settle down then

I Smile and plead for baggage space,
The Window seat, my favourite place!
I reflect upon a journey made,
As the train starts a chug-charade!

The breeze comes flowing gently in,
The mind racing beyond the din,
To trees and houses zipping past,
And memories start flying fast

I turn in then to glance around,
At little amusements to be found!
Chattels and children scattered about,
Some who whisper and many who shout!

Food and drink are a common sight,
Intros and an occasional fight!
I Look around or catch a nap,
An unread book nestled in my lap.

Pleased to meet a stranger kind,
Unexpected place for such a find,
We part with smiles and promises then,
But that's how a new journey began!


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